Road improvements, energy saving and more discussed during Board of Aldermen

Published 3:53 pm Tuesday, December 20, 2022

During Tuesday’s regular called Board of Aldermen meeting, the Board discussed current intersection improvements. On Tuesday, the Mississippi Department of Transportation began road improvements at the intersection of HWY 11 and Larkin Smith Road.


MDOT is scheduled to re-align the striping gore from River Road onto U.S. HWY 11. The gore will be striped south to allow a free right turn lane onto U.S. HWY 11.

Vegetation on HWY 11 at Larkin Smith Road will be removed to allow a clear site for turning vehicles.

MDOT will also stripe ‘cat tracks’ to help drivers see where their vehicles need to stay while turning from HWY 11 as well as Larkin Smith Road. River Road will have additional turn lane pavement marking placed towards the college. MDOT will continue to monitor the area after the improvements.


A representative from Mississippi Power, Randy Fisher gave the Board a presentation regarding energy-efficient business solutions. To sum up Fisher’s presentation, Mississippi Power offers residential and commercial incentives to help save money on your monthly bill. They will pay incentives for insulation, upgrading HVAC, Smart thermostats, and LED lighting for commercial businesses only.


Mississippi Power offers cash incentives of up to 70 percent of the project cost for an array of improvement projects for small businesses. This includes lighting and lighting control. The large commercial and industrial program offers incentives of up to $30,000 per customer. To learn more on how to save on energy visit


In other business, the board approved City Hall as a drop-off location for the Pearl River County SPCA drive. Residents can drop off pet can goods, unopened treats, dry food, and toys to City Hall.


The Board approved the Public Works Department to advertise for a Street labor worker, paying $12 per/hr.

The Board lastly approved Poplarville High School Softball Coach Janessa Deckwa to use the gazebo at City Park to hold a “Christmas in the Park” fundraiser on December 16 from 5-8 p.m. The event is free but donations will be taken to take pictures with Santa or to participate in activity booths or fun jumps.