Alderman addressed speeding vehicles on Jacob’s Road

Published 8:03 pm Wednesday, December 21, 2022

During Tuesdays Regular City Board of Alderman meeting, the Board addressed an ongoing speeding issue on Jacob Road in Poplarville, MS.


A concerned citizen brought this item to the Board, the Board had also touched on this topic in previous meetings. But on Tuesday night a solution was finally met.


Jacob Road borders North of Poplarville High School. It’s a school zone with a 20 MPH speed sign. Its been witnessed by several Board members and citizens of drivers rarely traveling the 20 mph speed limit. The average speed observed is nearly 35-60 mph.


The dangers of speeding vehicles at Jacob Road are as followed:


  • Only one-speed sign is there and is not clearly visible to drivers because of where it’s placed.
  • 21 school buses travel that road twice a day during school hours.
  • Children released from school cross that road. Also, children often ride bikes on that road. Vehicles have been seen not slowing down despite seeing the children.
  • There are no sidewalks and many people without cars walk back and forth to Geer’s to purchase groceries.
  • There is a daycare school on the corner of Jacob and Heatherland. Many children attend and with parent traffic at that location as well.


Mayor Louise Smith said the Board would take action on this matter. After a discussion involving Police Chief Daniel Collier and Public Works Superintendent Assistant Heath Smith, there will be several immediate solutions.


Collier said his department has been fully aware of this issue but due to short-day staffing, tickets couldn’t be enforced as needed. The Department is now fully staffed and Collier said a patrol car will be posted there and tickets would be given out for speeding.


Alderman Daniel H. Brown suggested the police patrol the area. He predicts that will resolve the speeding over a few weeks once drivers start receiving tickets.


Also, the Board will add a 20 mph school zone sign, visible to drivers. Smith will also investigate a pothole that is located on that road at is also affecting drivers. There will be further investigation on this road to ensure the residents’ safety.


In other business, the Board approved for Smith to pick up a City Truck. This truck will be used to haul heavy equipment around the city for the Public Works Department.


Also, City Hall employees, the Mayor, the Board, and Public Workers will receive ID badges. In case of emergencies, Citizens and outside departments will be able to identify essential workers.